Crazy Busy Mama

Oh my it’s been a busy month.  We were getting our homeschool hours in, getting ready for Halloween, we passed around the flu, cleaned up the backyard, and finally built the fire pit.  Yay!

With homeschooling we are loving reading from the Bible Story books.  It’s just short enough to hold their attention and so far I really like the point of view.  A little old school maybe, but I think it will be a great foundation.  The boys love bible study time.

All our other homeschool subjects I’m really happy with and Jax just starting reading Dick and Jane.  That was a huge boost for him.  He finished the Biscuit books and got to “level up” to D&J.  He is super excited for reading time now.  That’s a pretty awesome thing to see on his face.  And I’ve started him on the McGuffey primer.  He feels like a big kid and I’m loving his enthusiasm.  Zavien finished another of the CLE readers and we are almost to the main reader books.  We could move through these little ones faster but we just read one or two sections a day.  I’m having him read his math worksheets now too.  Getting that reading throughout the day and not just during “reading time”.  We’ve also added 30 minutes of silent reading to his day as well.

I’m working on a few things for the little girls as they are getting bored and need something to keep their attention.  I’m hoping to coordinate a busy bags swap locally and have some great things for my girlies.  😀  I have a few things pinned on my pinterest but there are TONS of ideas out there for this.

P.S.  The baby crashed my laptop and my wonderful husband has reconnected me to my online world this week on our desktop(that we never hooked internet up on because we didn’t really need to).  So hopefully I will be back on top of posting and sharing with the wonderful online community.

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