What is an Amber Teething Necklace?
Amber has been a natural source for traditional healing that has been passed on through the generations. This alternative medicine has proven health benefits and amazing properties that offer a drug-free alternative for relief of teething pain for infants. This homeopathic product has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit children and adults alike.
Amber is a fossilized resin from trees from thousands of years ago. Resin is a natural antibiotic for trees, protecting it from infection or injury. Amber has been worn for centuries as a natural remedy for pain relief, it promotes fast healing and boosts the immune system. Amber is worn on the skin, and once warmed by the skin releases tiny amounts of healing oils which are adsorbed into the bloodstream. In war times doctors were known to slap tree resin on a wound as a disinfectant and saved lives that way. Scientists have also shown that amber produces organic, purely natural energy and is electromagnetically alive. It protects from negative influences of electrical equipment like computers, televisions, mobile phones
and microwave ovens.
Baltic amber contains anywhere from 3-8% of succinic acid, a scientifically examined medical substance used in contemporary medicine. The highest content of the acid is found in the amber cortex – the external layer of the stone. Nobel-prize winner Robert Koch (1886), the pioneer of modern bacteriology, proved that succinic acid has a very positive influence on the human body. In the 1930’s and 40’s, European biochemists discovered that succinic acid is an amino acid created naturally in every cell of the body capable of aerobic respiration, participating in the citric acid – or Krebs cycle. This is how carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are metabolized into energy.
Amber teething necklaces are sold in pharmacies in many countries including Switzerland, Germany and Austria where amber has been respected for its medicinal qualities for centuries. These necklaces are knotted by hand in between each and every bead, so that if the necklace breaks (which it should if necessary), the beads won’t scatter. It fastens with a breakaway screw clasp that will break if too much pressure is applied to prevent choking. Amber teething necklaces and bracelets are made to wear but not to chew! Teething necklaces and bracelets should be removed when child is sleeping or unattended!
Brookie-Lee’s Review
We LOVE our amber! We didn’t know about the wonderful amber necklaces with our first child and we all suffered through teething. His poor swollen gums kept us up many a night and the drool was insane. We would change outfits because the drool would have him sopping wet. And occasionally we would try something like oral gel with no relief and baby Tylenol for temporary relief. And just so you know I am NOT a fan of using Tylenol for children, but he was miserable and we were desperate.
When I discovered amber teething necklaces my second child was 1 year old. We put it on him and didn’t notice a radical change. He still wanted to chew on everything and would whine a little here and there. I took it off a few days later to give him a bath and forgot to put the necklace back on him. The next morning I had a super drooly, extremely fussy, little terror on my hands. He was a totally different child from the day before and I was at a loss. What changed overnight? Why was my child so completely changed? I wanted my cheerful child back! I walked through our day and diet and discovered the only thing different was that I had taken the necklace off. I put the necklace back on and I never took it off again. My third and fourth children received their necklaces on their birth days and wear them until they take them off themselves(around age 3). We have never had a recap of teething like with my first son. Molars and canines with my second, third, and fourth child have been a breeze in comparison.
The Giveaway!
I love this product and I believe so strongly in it’s effectiveness. I’ve been recommending it to customers and giving it away as baby shower gifts for years. Each of my children has one, as do my husband and I. They are amazing and I highly recommend them for teething and other chronic pain in children and adults alike. It’s amazing, all natural, and safe.
I am giving away an amber teething necklace! This natural teething pain reliever is the best natural solution on the market. It is genuine Baltic amber jewelry using only AAA class, jewelry grade, raw amber material. These can also be purchased online and in Lee’s Summit, MO from Happybottomus for only $18.95(which is the most affordable I’ve ever seen it).
Share with us your teething pain stories and what you do to give relief to enter to win! A winner will be picked at random and announced September 1st. Thank you for participating and sharing with our community!
Also subscribe(top right on website) to receive emails when there is a new post on brookie-lee.com to enter to win another amber teething necklace in the month of August!
9/1/12 And the random winner of the amber teething necklace is… Jill! Thank you to everyone who contributed by sharing with us!
Also this month’s random subscriber winner is… Rodney! Congrats and thank you for subscribing to my blog!
We do have one baltic amber necklace between our two girls so I'd LOVE to win another. We also use Hyland's tablets, and chilled carrots to gnaw on.
We’ve never experienced the terrible teething stories I’ve heard from others, and I’d like to think it’s b/c both of our older children have worn amber necklaces from the time their first teeth came in. Our third baby is a month old, so we’re going to need another! 🙂
We just have used the natural oragel so far.
I convinced my mil to buy one for my bil and he swears he is having less pain with his wisdom teeth!
Also, they are "general pain relief" for all of my family. My grandmother wears one to reileve the pain in her shoulder. AMAZING!
before the necklace, his only relief came from medications.
I didn't know all about the benefits amber with #1. Better luck with #2! My teething story with #1 was the night we were to drive from KY to Toronto to catch a plane when she was 9.5 months old, she was awake every 1.5 hours. On the 12 hour drive from H-E- double hockey sticks, I discovered her first tooth. We played a 20 second clip of Sesame Street repeatedly for about 2 hours which seemed to be the only thing to keep her happy.
Oh, bring on the amber for #2!
I gave Ava lots of celery. That seemed to work, too.
Hyland’s teething tablets is the only thing that worked for my son, i plan to get a necklace for my daughter!
Put one on my daughter early on and only noticed a bit of mild fussiness once for about 2-3 hours… next day, I noticed 2 (TWO!) molars had popped through… and when she BROKE HER FOOT at 2y 2m, she cried for about 5 minutes… the ONLY reason we took her to the doctor for it was that she refused to walk, looked up at whoever was nearest and would matter-of-factly say "up, peas."
I miss my amber necklace! My son had one for many months, and then when we took it off for bath one night, it disappeared and I haven’t seen it since. It was wonderful to have. I have a feeling we’re going to need to replace it for 2-year molars soon, so I’d love to win this!!
Daughter broke her first tooth with out the necklace and it was horrible! Bought the necklace immediately after and when her second tooth came in we hardly noticed! I have recommended the baltic amber to everyone mother I know and to those with arthritis and chronic pain. They are amazing!
Im with you had suffered through teething bouts with our 11 yr old. Then with our 4 yrs old we bought one at Happybottomus. What a Godsend -a true difference (she was already in horrible teething pain before I found amber!) We've done it all & also done drugs which I hate but also hate a babe in pain!. I tell the world about amber!. I would LOVE to win one as my son's is a gonner! 🙂
I am currently in desperate need of an amber teething necklace. My 11 month old is teething right now as I type. Her 1st bottom one finally broke thru yesterday & we are paying for it – the unconsolable crying, the crankiness, the runny nose, the low grade fever…it's enough to drive baby & mommy crazy. I had been planning to get one months ago, but now I need one NOW. We cannot suffer thru anymore teeth w/o an amber teething necklace!
I've seen others comment on these. How do they work?
Lori – Just put 'em on around baby's neck & the the heat from the amber releases tiny amounts of healing oil that absorbs into the bloodstream – read post above, it gets more detailed.
interesting. I don't think dH will let me put a necklace on his son. 😉
I have one!!
In the mean time use frozen blueberries or peas. I am sorry she is suffering. Hill bought a necklace for Erin, I believe it helps.
I have only learned about the amber teething necklaces recently, with all of my children I have used motrin and cold teething toys for teething but still that does not seem adequate for relief. I have heard so many testimonies about the benefits of amber that I would love one for my six month old who has not cut any teeth yet. She would love to win!
I've just recently been introduced to amber necklaces. I'm super curious to find out if they work. My 2nd has 4 molars coming in right now and is miserable. Would love to give it a try!
My kids are late teethers and my three older kids didnt get their first teeth until after age 1. My littlest one is turning 8 months so we are getting ready to see the ugly teething head turn!
With our first, we had horrible pain. Just pulling at the jaw, drooling, and overall fussiness. We tried cold things to chew on and lots of snuggles. Nothing really helped until we tried an amber necklace when he was 6 months old. That made all the difference. With our youngest, we have had his amber necklace on him since he was a newborn. He is the happiest baby and the only way I can tell he is teething is from his stools. We try to use only natural products and these are great. I would love to give this to my cousin who is expecting their first.
We do a lot of cold rings and nursing. I never used an amber necklace with Kieran – I always wondered if it would help!
My daughter is only 3 months right now, but we're hoping to head off the worst of teething with an amber necklace. We've also been helping her find her hands, our knuckles, teething toys, and prefolds for chewing 🙂
I didn't know about amber with my first baby either. I can't wait to ty it with my newbie due in December.
I love amber! My whole family (extended even) wear amber on some part of our bodies (neck, wrist, back).
My daughter has an amber necklace… or, DID. It happened to fall off in line at the store and the guy with the cart behind us ran over it and shattered some of the beads! I almost cried while I was paying. 🙁 We’d love a replacement! We still use the broken one but we also use tylenol and teething tablets.
With my first, I didn’t ‘believe’ in amber and thought it was a definite choking hazard. We received one as a gift when my second was born and I am in love! She shows minimal signs of teething and is happy to chew on a frozen veggie. Never have to use gel or medicine. Now I’m wondering how an amber necklace could benefit adults..
I’ve especially seen it used by people with multiple sclerosis. I have a bracelet and wear it when I have headaches. My husband has a necklace and uses it for low back pain. My cousin has sciatica and doubles a necklace into a bracelet.
all of her teeth are coming in it once! oh my gosh can you imagine that pain!
As a Mom, I don't envy you guys one bit! Back in the day, my mother used to rub our gums with whiskey…..apparently did the trick and kept us happy! Good luck Matt, it only lasts a little while.
With our first, teething wasn't THAT bad.. but now with our second, he is in SO much pain and nothing's helping! We've tried Tylenol, Motrin, ice teething rings, and orajel I hope an amber teething necklace will help my poor baby, because I don't know what else to try :/
we didn’t find out about the necklaces till our 3rd child and it has been a life saver. we have not had to give into pain medication and she still wears it everyday at the age of 2. would love to win one for our newest addition 🙂
I haven't been able to get a necklace for my 1 year old yet. she's been teething awful and cries when she eats. She also runs a low fever, gets a diaper rash and gets very cranky. I've heard these necklaces are wonderful. Hopefully I'll be able to get one for her soon.
Thanks to you guys at Happybottomus in Lees Summit a few years ago, I discovered amber, and it made a huge difference in my teething, whining, fussy 1 year old. Now I have a 6 month old that is constantly drooling and fussy with his hands in his mouth. I keep putting off buying another necklace until we have an “extra $20”, so I would be blessed to win this necklace!
I’ve looked into the teething necklaces, but haven’t yet purchased one. My 17 month old little boy has been teething like crazy lately though! He usually gets a chamomile tea ice cube to chew on. I wrap it in a flannel wipe, and he loves it! We also use Hylands tablets when needed, and very very rarely Tylenol.
we have used amber since my 1st was a few months old–she never had any issues. now i have a newborn.
3 weeks ago we just ad our third child- ive been wanting to get an amber necklace for him! For the girls we used Tylenol but it seemed like the teething was endless and I would love to use a homeopathic remedy for relief this time! 🙂
I have been wanting to try one of these!
Hylands, frozen wet washcloth to chew, clean mama fingers.
My 6 month old daughter has an extreme muscular issue that effects her entire left side, stemming from her neck. She has worn her necklace since it fit! I want to give ger every opportunity to feel better, so thank you for this necklace! I have many pregnant friends with gift ideas ready 🙂
We lucked out with our 1st child, and teething was super easy. Our second has a horrible time! He gets huge mountains on his gums, the tops ulcerate and the tooth pops through the ulcer. It is awful!!! We need the amber because nothing else helps him. Now with baby #3 on the way we are going to need a couple of these.
My son is a terrible teether! He got his first tooth at 2 months and at 15 months has a mouth full and is still going for more. Once he could take solids, I gave him frozen strawberries in a feeding bag. He loves it.
We’ve been using one since lo was 4 months old. No teeth yet and she is 8 months old but I think she might have one coming soon. Nothing too bad with regards to being cranky. I can tell you I definitely see a difference when we forget to put it on her though.
I just found amber necklaces this year so I didn’t get to use them with my older 2. Instead I used the commercial gunk that I would never use now that I know better. Now my 3 1/2 year old son uses a necklace for his joint pain and my almost 2 year old uses hers for her teething. I plan on getting one for my 3 month old soon. They are awesome and work wonders. I keep telling my husband he needs one for all his joint pain!
Haven't experienced any teething yet and not really wanting to if you know what I mean.
Not much of a grumpy child except for the first molars, but the drool! We have gobs of bibs and seemed to change them on the hour.
We learned about amber at the Happybottomus store. Never heard about it before then. We got a bracelet when we were building our diaper supply, and actually haven't even really used it yet. My daughter only has her two front bottom teeth and never made much of a fuss when they came in. But we have the bracelet on stand by and intend to use it should the need arise when the rest start coming in.
I have 3 lo’s, my youngest is 5+ mo old and is soooo grumpy, fussy, doesn’t want to eat but wants to eat! Cries unless being held and rocked and cries still at times! I have been thinkIng about an amber necklace for several mo now! Hoping to get one soon!
My first one didn’t seem to have too much trouble teething. We used a teething necklace when she acted especially bothered. We also used teething tabs and put ice in a mesh feeder for her to suck on.
I have heard so many amazing things about Amber and teething. I've never tried Amber before bug love to with my baby now. Ive tried meds, all kinds of chemicals and i want a more natural approach than before. I hope I'm chosen so I can try it!
I've heard good things too! Kaden has no teeth yet but the drooling is crazy!!!
I’ve heard good things about this and would love to try it for my little guy! We are using teething tablets and Advil right now to help him but I hate having to give him drugs!
We love using amber teething necklaces and have also used froze fruit to help soothe sore gums. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
I have a fifteen month old and one due in February. My fifteen month old girl didn't start teething until halfway through 13 months and poor baby has been getting all four of her front teeth just one after another. She tries so hard to be a happy baby but is pretty whiny and clingy. I give her ibprofen when I feel she really needs it, but I hate to give it to her too often. I have not been able to get an amber necklace for her yet, but I think it would definately be worth the try.
frozen waffles work the best, a little messy! I broke them in half!
My 16m old appears to be getting some molars. He did ok with his other 8 teeth but these new ones seem to be causing him alot of discomfort. The drool is uncontrolable and he is just not his usual happy self. He does not like teethers or washclothes although his fingers seem to help some. Oh and the straws in his cups are taking a real beating as well.
My 1 year old is teething and we’ve been wondering how a necklace would work. I’d love to win one to try it out 🙂
My little one is having a hard time with her teeth. She will wake up in the middle of the night screaming, she has been drolling like crazy and chewing on her fingers. I don’t normally give her any meds, but thy don’t even seem to working.
Baby started teething @ 3 months! Has been having severe pain off & on since then and no teeth have come all the way through @ 10 months. I use Hyland’s teething tablets and Hyland’s teething gel. The past 5 days she’s been swallowing saliva causing diarrhea 🙁
I love amber teething accessories! I had a little anklet for my infant son when his first two bottom teeth came in…now his top two front teeth are coming in! Unfortunately, his anklet doesn’t fit around his ankle:( I’ve got a big, beautiful boy…almost 11 months old and at 22.8 pounds! I am DESPERATE for a necklace. I’ve given him Hyland’s teething tablets, cold chew toys, and at night when it is really bad…the dreaded tylenol (mommy and daddy have to sleep sometime!)! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway. I hope I can win this beautiful necklace for Ezra. I’d buy him one, but we are on a VERY tight budget and the funds are just not there right now. Thanks again for this giveaway!
I subscribed via email!
heaventaste @ hotmail dot com
I use Reiki on his throat chakra and third eye chakra, also raw honey, rubbed on area where his 2 year molars are coming through, also homeopathic cell salt Calc Phos 2-3x/ day. We'd really appreciate the necklace and can use a win right now. Poor thing, had trouble sleeping & w/ naps and is often rubbing his cheeks in circles.
My daughter wants to wear her amber necklace when she's incredibly cranky. She will find it in her basket on the changing table and had it over to me! She's not really a bad teether… just a cranky tired toddler.
we didn’t find out about the necklace till our 3rd child and we have not had to use pain medicine since she has started. would love another one for our newest baby
I second everything you've said; the amber has made the molars much more tolerable than his earlier teeth. I think I picked it up just in time too. You're right the price is very good. I paid almost $25 for mine at a local small business, but I love the colors and was able to verify the fit. I have noticed Tristan's lymph nodes pretty knotted up along his cervical region. I am thinking that is just another sign that the body is working on an attack (immune response). I didn't even think to offer this to my brother who just got his wisdom teeth pulled…)-: Great posts! Love your blog B-L!
Thanks Christina! I love your comments and seeing you here! At Happybottomus she has drop in hours if you want to see in person before you buy for any future needs. 😀 We love our amber. Recently I have had it on Z (7-years-old) for growing pains in his legs and Jax (5-years-old) for a cough he had. I <3 amber!
Each of my 4 kids has a necklace or bracelet, but my 3 month old is so chubby her little bracelet that goes on her ankle just isn’t big enough 🙂 I would love to get another necklace so I can give it to her because her teeth are already moving around (drool everywhere). Since getting the amber necklaces my son’s knee pain is gone and my 3rd child doesn’t have the horrible teething pain as my older 2 did.
B dosent have teeth yet, buuuut, it looks super cute on him and has since birth! Love to get one for my soon-to-be nephew.
I have one amber necklace, and two teething children! I try to share the necklace between them depending on who seems to be worse off, but I would LOVE for them each to have their own! Amber works!!
I want one for my daughter so much!! She is getting her one year molars all at the same time!!! I let her chew on frozen wash clothes and little bits of ice but she cant even sleep well 🙁
I was just thinking about getting another necklace! My first two boys had awful teething pain, tried orajel, teething tablets, tylenol, frozen bananas, beef jerkey (when they were a bit older). I’d say the frozen bananas *cut in half, insert popsicle stick then freeze* were the best thing, just watch closely for chunks. With my third son, I bought a cheepie fake amber necklace from ebay thinking it was the real thing 🙁
DS needs one! His was broken and being a single mama it's not always easy to replace things like that! I can see a difference when he has it and doesn't! He's past teething but has internal/digestive issues due to food allergies. (His dad doesn't think he has them so he still is given those foods a few times a week.) I will still get him a necklace, even if I don't win one; it just may be a bit. : )
I can’t wait to try this on my son!!!! He is a holy terror ;). He is just beginning his teething experience and I am hopin this would help us and more importantly him! Hope to win 😉
my 9mo is still teething and no teeth yet! What works best for us are freezy pops that I make with her babyfood or I just freeze some ice in the Popsicle and hold it in her mouth for her. I have heard amazing things about the amber necklaces. I would LOVE to use it for her (and her new baby bro/sis due in Feb).
The amber necklace worked for us!! I would highly recommend!
I would LOVE an amber teething necklace for my 6 month old! I never heard of them with my first two children, and hated giving them Tylenol and motrin so frequently to ease their dicomfort during their teething years. It would be great to have a natural way to help with the pain of this stage, and see the difference it makes. I’d love to avoid giving meds to this LO 🙂
We normally use the Hylands teething gel, but that was because we misplaced our amber necklace! I love them and need a new one. 🙂
Works for us to! DS has been wearing his for 4 months. True life saver;)
However our first necklace bought from amazon wasn’t effective… We end up buying unpolished amber teething necklace from amberforbabies.com and that one works!